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Victorian-Era Cross-Dressers!

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WIGGY said: Of course, when I tell someone from Ireland that I'm "Irish-American," they snort in derision and tell me I'm from America and should stop 'pretending' to be Irish.


Depends on which side of the border you claim and how much you drop in the NORAID box Wiggy.




born American - but British by the grace of God LOL

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Dai Hunter , mar 14, 2005; 10:27 a.m.

WIGGY said: Of course, when I tell someone from Ireland that I'm "Irish-American," they snort in derision and tell me I'm from America and should stop 'pretending' to be Irish.

Depends on which side of the border you claim and how much you drop in the NORAID box Wiggy.


born American - but British by the grace of God LOL



My great-grandfather's family is from a small town in Kilkenny County. I am Catholic but I don't support terrorism or the IRA. As regards Ireland, I am not political at all. And I get this from pretty much anyone born in Ireland, north or south. "You're of Irish ancestry? That's nice. Here's a chart of your genealogy. Have a pint of Guinness. Now give us your money and go the feck home."</p>


Yeah, makes me yearn for the auld country.</p>

<p>The only place I've ever been where I was treated worse for being "An American" was New Zealand. There, they start off every conversation explaining that they have no ozone layer because we Americans destroyed it.</p>



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Goodness - those aren't swans, they look more like pelicans! Photos are great, though, very sharp considering how old the plates are. I have a few pics of my mother's parents from the twenties, and my grandmother was wearing the same kind of bathing suit as the "young lady", very daring! Maybe the smoking lady/man was trying to be outrageous, just for fun? She/he was obviously very comfortable with the photographer, and thanks to you, Wiggy, she and all those other people now get to live forever!





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<I>"Is the Cenotaph a WWI monument? Too bad the photographer was on the steps, rather than up on the walkway. Looks like a nice spot. Does anyone have a modern day view they can post from close to the same spot?"</I>

<P>I live in Llandudno. Here's a (fairly) similar angled snapshot of the Grand Hotel and Pier I took last year:


<a href="http://www.dave-roberts.fotopic.net/p6525499.html">http://www.dave-roberts.fotopic.net/p6525499.html</a>


<P>The building to the left in the old photo was the Pier Pavilion Theatre; sadly destroyed by fire in about 1996. <P>Dave

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