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Zeiss Ikon - more news

paul t

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I'm sure this will get everybody going, but here is <a href="http://

www.zeissikon.com/making.htm" >more news</a> about the Zeiss Ikon

system. If this is all marketing and badge-engineering, they've done quite a

good job of pretending this is a labour of love.<p>One significant quote: "This

is only possible if we possess the courage to plan large quantities from the


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It's all corporate-image copywriting blather, and to me its only

interesting feature is its slightly non-native flavour (as exemplified by

the somewhat Germanic romanization "Kobayashi"). I'd suggest that

those interested just wait till the stuff comes out and falls into the

hands of the moderately disinterested and critical.

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<p>If I were considering buying something, the only comments I'd be interested in are those that are both disinterested and critical. This is independent of the brand: it applies just as well to Cosina/Voigtländer and Leica. (Not that I can imagine myself ever buying anything new with the brand "Leica".)</p>
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Okay, I read the blather with "Mr. Kobajashi." (They ought to have called him Herrn Koebajaschei.) I think this is a bad translation from bad German, which is called "kvatsch." But the Zeiss-Ikon is far more interesting and promising than the blather.


The prices are a tad high retail. They are a bit lower in Japan and will probably be lower still at discount.


I'm particularly interested in the 25/2.8 and the Zeiss-Ikon body. The camera seems almost like the embodiment of the CLE II that photogs in Japan have been dreaming about for the last two decades. I have a pile of 85mm lens that I want to try on it. At the price they are asking, I hope it is better than the bodies being knocked out my Cosina under the Voigtlander name.

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I think that I'll stick with the inaccurate primitive mechanical shutter in my M2 and M3 bodies for awhile. Even the long base length rangefinder and dedicated frame for the 85mm f/2 Nikkor doesn't tempt me. Also, it's way too soon to tell just how nicely they'll brass up and get dinged ;-)
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<I>Rene Braun , feb 21, 2005; 07:25 a.m.: "... I'm in the car right now ..." </I>

<P>Two observations:

<BR>1. If you're driving, I hope you don't have an accident (and God forbid, kill anyone) while browsing the hallowed Leica Forum.

<BR>2. Being able to access the LF, a miracle of technology and batteries, when most people here complain of electronics getting in the way of creativity!

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Leica should be worried because there problem isn't solved. Choice one being a mint used M6 is just as bad for them as the ZI. Throw in those who can't afford either who will go for a Bessa. What choice is a new MP or M7? That is what Leica has to worry about.
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"1. If you're driving, I hope you don't have an accident (and God forbid, kill anyone) while browsing the hallowed Leica Forum."


Thanks Vic. Let's pray together.


"2. Being able to access the LF, a miracle of technology and batteries, when most people here complain of electronics getting in the way of creativity!"


As long as I don't have to take pictures with it. The darn plastic POS is less than 2 years old and it is on it's last leg.

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I fondled a new Zeiss Ikon at the NYC Photo show. (I'm sure

others on this forum did too), and it is a high-quality camera -

every bit as good as recent Leica products. What's the ever-lovin'

difference where it's made? It's a Zeiss camera - bright

viewfinder, heavy and solid, very good rangefinder (who cares

how they did it?), and a beautiful range of lenses.


And since when is everything Japanese automatically poor

quality? So maybe the CV lenses are only 90% as good as Leitz

lenses; as is true everywhere, manufactured items are built to

certain levels of quality so they can be priced for certain markets.

As well as the Honda Civic, (a terrific little car, BTW) the

Japanese make the Lexus. Does anyone have any doubts about

where it stands among the world's automobiles?


Japan also produces Nikons, Canons, Olympus, and

Konica-Minolta. AND, some terrific lenses for these cameras.

Some, in fact, are unique, that is to say, made nowhere else in

the word, including Germany, like the 35 mm Canon lens which

can be adjusted like a view camera lens for perspective control.

It's time for a lot of Leicaphiles to get their heads out of the sand.

Considering some of Leica's recent offerings, their hubris is a

little arrogant IMHO.





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<p>"Just use a different label describing a step up from regular production."</p>

like what? "new/improved/super-duper"? what does it matter?

<p> as for "ultra BS", the motion picture lenses sharing the name are very,very good

and a dramatic improvement over their previous line. but i forget, it's not branded

leitz so it must be BS.

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