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Carrying Camera in Flight cabin bag?


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This is not an EOS question.




I have to travel to another country soon on a business purpose. I am an amateur photographer and planning to carry my photo gear also with me. Can I carry my photo back pack as a Cabin luggage? I have EOS3 with 3 lenses, flash units, filter kits etc in a Besseler back pack. I am worried wheather they ask me to check it in at the last minute because of security reasons. I want to be prepared in such case. Please reply!





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YES--DO CARRY YOUR GEAR AS CABIN LUGGAGE, provided that you are not

over the bag limit and your pack is small enough not to violate the

size regulation. You certainly don't want to trust your camera

equipment to baggage handlers and risk having it lost or damaged.




As for security issues, it may depend on where you are traveling.

When I was in India in October, I carried all my camera gear and film

in cabin baggage--but I had to remove the batteries and place them in

the checked bags. Not a problem. The guards were midly interested

in the flash unit, but as long as it did not have batteries in it

everything seemed okay.




There are numerous reports out now about how film will be severely

damaged by the high-radiation x-rays used to screen CHECKED luggage

but not by the regular machines used for CABIN luggage. So

everything in your possession on the flight should be okay, and you

can usually get your equipment and film checked by hand if you ask

(if that makes you more comfortable).




When I was in India (about a month after 9/11, and traveling through

New York and Frankfurt), I did not have a problem. Screeners are

used to dealing with photographers and know a speedlight when they

see one. I suspect that, wherever you go, you won't really be

hassled--unless you're already a suspicious character! ;-)




Happy travels!

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I always carry my gear as cabin baggage, and have been somewhat over

the limit on cabin baggage weight. I was once challenged over this,

but argued the point, and was allowed on. There is no way that I'm

prepared to check my camera gear.




If you are challenged over weight, you may be able to argue a point

over stature...depending on your stature of course. At 105lbs, I can

carry 30lbs of camera gear, and still weigh a "normal" amount. I

don't have 30lbs of camera gear, but I do have enough to make my

cabin baggage (with little else in it) weigh 13lbs.




I don't believe you'll be asked to check things in over security.

Weight maybe, but not security.

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Your camera backpack will count as your one piece of "carry-on"

luggage. (You may also bring aboard one "personal" item such as a

laptop computer or purse.) I've read others' encounters with airline

officials that insisted that the straps be stowed within the backpack

- I've always had mine stowed. ..and be sure not to carry any sharp

tools within.

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