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Girls then, Grandmas now?


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Thanks, guys. When these photographs were taken computers were the size of school busses and worked with huge reels of 3.5 inch magnetic tape and IBM punch cards. I suspect a digital camera would have been the size of a house trailer. Transistors hand soldered to newfangled "printed circuits" were yet to be upstaged by "integrated circuits". Vacuum tubes were still common.


In addition to 44 years worth of negatives and contact sheets I have boxes and file folders full of hundreds of prints. If I post something again it was oversight, not intent. I'm certainly going to continue to post photos, but I also want to print up some more recent work, stuff I've shot in the past year or two. I'm curious as to other photographers' thoughts on my "style" now and then. Is it the same? Different? If different, has it simply evolved or become something completely new? Your comments are welcome. Again, thanks.

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That was the non-retrofocus 19mm in Canonflex mount, for mirror lock-up use, together with a lensmount converter B to fit on the Leica body. Now that I've got the scanning thing figured out (I hope) I'll be posting more photos really soon. Hopefully I'll soon be printing up some recent photos also, as well as more from my collection from years past.
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Al, thanks for accepting my recommendations on some of these favorites of mine. They look even better on my notebook at home than they did on your screen in Miami. And where're my flippin' Johnny Cash pics?


Seriously, thanks for the prints of these terrific pics. Too bad the top one wasn't printed as a poster...


Great to see you again in warm and sunny Florida. I'll get those pics of you and Mary developed soon.

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It was good seeing you again James, and thanks much for helping me with the scanner and picking out a bunch of images to print up and post. Hopefully I'll find time to get back in the darkroom again tomorrow. I was in there today working on one of those famous "rush jobs" where the guy never did pick up the photos, answer his cell, or respond to my email. Such is life! I know he's good for the money. I wish I could remember the year I shot those Johnny Cash pix. It would be a lot easier to find the negatives that way. "Someplace between 1970 and 1985" is a lot of contact sheets to wade through.
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