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Weight of the 75 'cron (LUG crossovers please note)

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"There is also the mental condition known as DDD or Disorder Defecit Disorder. That terrible feeling of disbelief when you realize that nothing is wrong with you."


However, the paradox is that when you realize there is nothing wrong with you, that's the first sign that there is something wrong with you. Thus, it is only the people who have not yet recognized that there is nothing wrong with them that suffer from DDD. On the other hand, maybe they are just being hypochondriacs, which means that there really is something wrong with them (ie., they suffer from hypochondria). Wait, I need to think about this more...

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"Cognitive Dissonance......Those who want a Leica most badly (but can't afford it) are most

prone to throw rocks at it"


Chris, thank you for so eloquently encapsulating in a single post all that is most disturbing

about the minority here who are true Leica supremacists. One of the biggest conceits of

the Leica Taliban is the notion that only those who don't own a Leica can retain a healthy

scepticism towards the more outlandish claims of brand supremacy. Also, thanks to Andy


retaining his grace and humor.

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"One of the biggest conceits of the Leica Taliban"


I find that comment really offensive which only proves Elliots point about your maturity. If the rest of us are the Taliban are you the invading USA bringing us freedom? I wouldnt suggest that one, it does affect ones popularity in the world. Either way your comment will most likely secure the deletion of this thread.

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Y'know James, I didn't imagine it possible that I could "really offend" someone with a

comment about a camera brand. Utterly bizarre. And why would the utterance of the word


result in the deletion of a thread? Is there now a list of banned words? If that is the case

then we really are edging into Talibanesque territory.......

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I would love to have the 75 Cron. And the 50mm Lux Asph. My only problem is that Leica has priced these lenses a bit on the fondler/collector (high) side.


I got a 50 Lux non-Asph for $900+. Is the Asph worth more than an extra $1,000? These are decisions us mortals Leica users (as opposed to collectors/fondlers) have to mull over, and make.


The 75 Cron, IMO should be priced between the 50 Cron and the 90 AA Cron. However, the list price is higher.


I'll wait for used ones to show up here. 2007 or thereabouts.

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Vic: While I hear what you're saying - the 'cron 75 has 7 elements to the 90's 5, as well as "close-range" correction, which requires a whole additional set of threads to move the rear elements independently from the rest.


In other words, the price is probably based on the extra grinding and precision assembly work required, rather than the specs, or even the (as yet unknown) performance.

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