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Leica C Lux 1 and Panasonic DMC-FX01

as de beer

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Hi Photo.Net Friends


I have read the earlier reviews/comments on the above issue with great

interest, and I suppose it is by this time old hat.


However, I really wanted to buy the Leica C Lux 1, but at more than twice the

price at some local stores in South Africa, and with questions in my mind re

local service, I had to look at Panasonic DMC-FX01 as well.


Still, I could not make up my mind, till my son drew my attention to the fact

that the cases of both cameras were 100% the same - sans the logo's and front

faces. His argument was that if the two cameras were for all practical

purposes identical on the outside, why would one consequently wonder whether

there were any marked differences inside the casing that would have had any

meaningful effect on the functioning of the two cameras?


So, purely for financial and possible service reasons, the Panasonic won the

day - and I am extremely satisfied (as much as a total beginner can be

satisfied) with the Panasonic - except that I am still wondering whether the

outside/inside argument was watertight.


Would I have been better off with the much revered Leica logo sign on the

outside and some really good non-Panasonic Leica parts in the inside at twice

the price (which would have pushed me into the prosumer/SLR range)?


Thanks for your attention.


Arnold S de Beer

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I got a Leica C-Lux instead of the Panasonic becaise the Leica is Black and there is included a

Photoshop Elements for MAC & PC this was worth more for me than the pricedifferende.


Don't really know if there is any differences than the name & look. This is a really nice camera

to use, logic & userfrendly menues, and good imagequality.

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  • 1 year later...
Barry Sonnenfeld rated the C-Lux his overall favorite compact camera last month in Esquire magazine. This will have caused a big buying rush by a certain kind of buyer. Next month, something else will be the must-have fashion accessory and Leica stock for the C-Lux can return to normal. Of course, unless you want the longer warranty and the Photoshop Elements software, just buy the Lumix.
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