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<i>expensive rangefinder so that one may look professional?</i><p>


I'm sure I saw a picture of one of the Magnum picture agency photographers using a Canonet, I think the image is in the "Magnum Stories" book.<p>


I don't think he was worrying about looking professional ;-) The images more than spoke for themselves. <p>


If you do want a rangefinder that will make you <i>look</i> professional- you could do a lot worse than getting a black MP ;-)<p>


One of my favorite current photographers runs a little store in a market in Cambridge, UK. His work is stunning - and very original- mostly B+W standard and infra red. He apparently used an old OM1 and latterly a couple of "amateur" EOS cameras.

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Of course, purchasing the Hexanon will result in your immediate and permanent banishment from this forum - to the 5th circle of Hell (Leica detractors and Bob Atkins fans)<br /><br />


Your choice: Good Deal (though your eternal soul is part of it) or Leica and you get to go to heaven some day.<br /><br />


<small>disclaimer: not a guarantee</small>

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Frank, we're interested in your long-running dilemma, really, but maybe

limiting yourself to one thread a day would be a good thing? <p>

Update on my Hexar RF (which has titanium top and bottom plates, which

makes it feel sold, but the pain get chipped off easily), is that I am now being

quoted $550 for rangefinder replacement! This is up from $150 a couple of

months ago. So if you do buy one, get return privileges. <p>

Oh, and if you want to look professional, buy a hexar AF. I think I can find a

photo of Annie Liebowitz using one -- you could show it to people if they ask

whether you're for real.

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I didn't notice that Frank wanted something that looks professional.


Well, get one of those Canon 1Ds (apologies for suggesting digital SLR in this forum) and a

super duper long white lens.


Let's not forget about a khaki-coloured photo vest, a large black lowepro bag, an assistant

carrying the second and third back-up bodies, tripod, lighting equipments and battery

power packs and any manual Leica camera plus 35mm 'lux (in case of EMP

discharge destroying all the electronics in the lowepro bag).

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<I>It's tough deciding on an expensive rangefinder so that one may look professional.</I><P>


From my experience, to the average person on the street, you can walk around with a 2000 Dollar Leica M with a 1000 Dollar lens, and some guy with a 300 Dollar, plastic clad "flavor of the month" consumer Nikon will be perceived as more professional. In many ways, this is a good thing. People ignore someone with a crappy little camera that isn't even an SLR, and many more opportunities can open up.

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Until about 10 years ago I always had an Olympus Pen S in my jacket pocket, a single frame scale focus with a 30mm f/2.8 lens. I finally wore it out and replaced it with an old Leica CL. There were plenty of times when I'd be with a client or at a party and I'd hear "Oh, too bad you don't have a camera with you!" I'd whip out that little "toy" (about $35 brand new) camera, shoot the photos, and deliver prints the next day along with an invoice. Nobody ever complained that the Pen S didn't look professional. If you're in a "people situation" it has a lot more to do with your attitude and how you handle the situation than what you're shooting with, and most people couldn't tell a Leica from a Canonette from an Olympus Trip 35. Who cares? You're a pro, you take pictures. (Thanks to Japanes colectors that little Pen S in non functioning condition was worth a couple hundred dollars on Ebay.)
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