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v700 opinion needed and/or disc film scanning question

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I currently have a Minolta Dual Scan IV for 35mm and APS film. I am thinking

of getting a flatbed scanner for older prints, various flat art & MF film. I

would be keeping the Minolta for 35mm negs. I am currently using Vuescan with

the Minolta and am liking it. I was looking at the Epson v700 as I don't need

the extra software.


Could I get away with a cheaper scanner, like 4990?


Any thoughts on if it would it be possible to use the v700 to scan in disc

film? My thought was to scan the disc as one large negative, maybe just under

a piece of AN glass, then use photoshop to "cut" it into individual frames.

Would I be better off just scanning the prints instead of the negs, or sending

them out to be scanned?


Film Rescue will scan them for $25 a disc.




- Jeff

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Thie very question was asked not long ago.


I suggest you read <a href=http://www.photo-i.co.uk/Reviews/interactive/Epson%20V750/page_1.htm>this</a> good review of the Epson V750 PRO (there is also <a href=http://www.photo-i.co.uk/Reviews/interactive/Epson%20V700/page_1.htm>one for the V700</a> on the same site).

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  • 8 months later...

Thanks for the plug Jeff. We actually use a V750 pro because we wanted the faster scan speed and the slightly higher quality scan. We handle it in a similar manner as you describe. If you're not going to drive yourself nutz you need to create a photoshop action to seperate out the frames once scanned. We also have had a laser cut carrier manufactured for us because precise placement of the disc on the flatbed is extremely important for this to work. All that said....we'd love to do the job for you. We're very good at it.




Greg Miller


Film Rescue International

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