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self conscious brides

katie h.

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I'm kind of new to portrait type photography, but at both my last

bridal portrait and engagement portrait, each woman mentioned how

you could see her double chin. I need help with two things. One,

what's the best way to photoshop out a double chin? I've made a

couple of attempts and not been real happy with either one. Two,

how can I use posing to avoid this issue? My friend told me to

stretch the woman's neck out, but how do you get that to look

natural? Any suggestions would be appreciated.



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I like what you've done with the colours, they look spot on. However the model now looks like she has had her chin broken... lol. If you were to shoot the images from a higher vantage point, you should be able to prevent the problem in the first place.... I'm sure others will give you more tips.




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Answer to first question.


Don't eliniminate it as this would look like plastic surgury. Lower emphasis by lightening shadows.


Answer to second question.


If you shoot down angled, then she would have to raise her chin up to level her face with the camara.


In practice shoot higher...get a ladder if it helps.


FWIW Double chins get reduced by using diffused light straight on. This is because the shadows get eliminated and reveal more even skin tones. Bounce flash will exacerbate double chins.

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Katie-Best advice I got in addition to the above advice (higher angle and diffuse straight on) was to have the person lean forward, sticking their neck out a bit. Just watch your composition carefully so it doesn't look like a "duck" picture! Take your time, position them carefully, and watch your angles and you will do well....
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