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W/NW Easter Photos

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What country or culture produced these terriffic images? Who are these hooded individuals?


IMHO: Easter is a time of joy, especially in the Orthodox world. I'm puzzled by these dour expressions. Maybe a Good Friday posession and not an Easter Sunday celebration???


Great shots in B&W, a media which I find the hardest to master.

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Thank you for the kind replies.


These were shot in Valencia Spain this past Easter during their Semana Santa Celebrations which run for the entire week prior to Easter. Very interesting and moving street celebrations which take place in the streets every morning and evening. Diffrent Catholic Guilds have processions dressed in their medieval finest.


All of it is with Tri x; I think all of it was pushed to 1600.

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Joe, I agree that these are powerful images. I can't help but feel a tension, though, that is brought out by Jack's comment above. The dramatic effect here gives the shots an almost frightening mood. In this country, at least, very few know the history and meanings of these hooded figures and are more apt to relate them to some kind of weird secret society doing creepy things (ala KKK). This kind of response is indeed not the intention of the event itself, so you get confusion like Jack's because Easter in our culture is a celebration with a very different tone than we feel when looking at these pictures. It's an interesting, intriguing dynamic and I'm not sure what to make of it. I think it might also be interesting to present these shots without the title and association with Easter, thought the tension as it stands is fascinating. The tension seems inherent to the nature of the costumes and the setting itself because I feel this same thing in practically every picture I see of this ceremony, although I must say your compositions and exposures heighten the tension and are the best ones I have seen. Just some thoughts - and certainly congratulations and well done.
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