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New to Mamiya 645, seeking general MF advice


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Hi all,


I know that I should simply read books (and I like doing that) but I always like the tips I get

on these forums.


Until now I have shot Canon EOS cameras (film and digital) and have now taken the plunge

and ordered a Mamiya 645 (with WLF, prism, 80mm lens, light meter and 120 back) . I

have never used medium format cameras before and was wondering if anyone could spare

a few moments to give me their "golden rules". I ordered it mainly for portrait work (my

kids) and to try my hand at some landscape photography as well.


Many thanks in advance.



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Did you have a specific question? For general info try searching the archives

on this site. A good book you might like is: "The Medium Format Advantage"

by Ernst Wildi. The best general advice I would give is already too late since

you've ordered a camera, and that would have been to start out with a cheap

used TLR or other inexpensive camera. Probably the most common

assumption about 35mm that doesn't hold with medium format is the notion

that you have to compose the final image tightly in the viewfinder. In fact,

medium format has enough real estate to crop while still maintaining a quality

image. This is more true of 6x6 and larger 120 formats, but still applies to





Joseph Albert

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It is an excellent camera! The 80mm lense is one of the best and my favorite. Some think 645 is not really bigger than 35mm. IT IS.

As far as portrait photography is concerned, I can not comment much. But I think many prefer 150/180mm over the normal lense. For landscapes 80mm is my most used lense. WLF is one of the best things of medium format.

Do not forget to lock that mirror and put the roll film correctly in!!! I have uploaded many pictures made with this camera here - http://www.prashanteju.de

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Great camera! And a real bargain these days (I have a Pro TL).


I agree that you should look for a 150mm lense for portraits. I bought mine (an f/1.5 "N") for about $170. You can't get really tight head shots, though, unless you use an extension tube (inexpensive). There are 3 different extension tubes available, depending on your needs.


I suggest you look at KEH.com for used gear. The prices are good, and they rate conservatively. My bargain non-metered prism finder has a few scuffs but still works perfectly ($56). You might find items for less on e**y, but the risk is greater. I, myself, have been burned several times through e**y, but never by KEH.


I'd suggest that you try the 150 with Fuji HPS or NPH. You will get very nice skin tones and natuaral colors. I like f/5.6 for softly rendered backgrounds, but your taste may vary.


Other advice? Load it up and take notes of your exposure combinations. A little testing up front will really give you a feel for your camera.



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