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Tripod for Mamiya RB67


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I'm going on vacation. I need a tripod and some suggestions.


1. Weight isn't really an issue. Just nothing that you can mount a

howitzer on.


2. It's got to be sturdy enough to hold my Rb67 with a 180mm lens and

220 back, and the waistlevel finder.


3. The less I spend on the tripod, the more film I can bring, so I'd

like to keep it reasonable.


Thanks in advance for the suggestions.




p.s. I'm sure that I'll be buying a monopod soon enough, any ideas for

that would be welcomed.

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I too use the Bogen 3021 with a three way pan-tilt head. The only downside is the tripod/head combo weighs over 10 pounds! I backpack with my setup, so it gets a bit heavy. The 6x7 trannies are worth the effort though.
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I use the smaller of the two geared heads with mine--which won't help your budget at all, but it's great with lenses that are heavy enough to change the compostion after you think it's set. The longer the lens, the more you'll like it.


But back to the last question: I don't know where you can get a deal on a good used one unless you check around with the better used shops like KEH or take your chances on e-bray (e-pray?).


I bought my legs at the local shop because I was in a hurry and it wasn't that much more expensive, but B&H is good, fast, and reliable. The head came from them later.


I haven't used Adorama nearly as much, but they're good too. My own preference is to pay a little more as insurance against a hassle if something goes wrong. It's gone wrong a few times (no fault of B&H) and B&H has always done right by me so I feel I'm ahead of the game.


After you leave those two for "stock everything new" and the super reliable places for used stuff like KEH, my experience is that it's like jumping off a cliff.


If you want to shop the used places and you don't have a list, you ought to be able to find some others with a search the forum.


If budget is tight, I'd get the legs and skimp on the head for now--staying away from ball and trigger heads.

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Ok, here is another solution. Its unconventional but it works.


I use a Gitzo Mountaineer 1227 (think that's the number). Its a small, carbon fiber tripod. I use a Novoflex reverse ball (the blue one). Its a very heavy ball head.


This set up works great as long as I hang some rocks or my camera bag/backpack from the center column's underside U hook.


I do that, use a cable release and use mirror lockup on My RZ Pro II.


Works like a champ.

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