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WOW! (I posted this too, on the Leica Forum)


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Now I remember why I left Scotland. Not much to do in the winter but huddle round the computer monitor in an ill-fated attempt to fend off Seasonally Affected Disorder. A nasty side-effect is the degree of verbosity in one's writing style, as seen in the link above.
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Took a week to shoot. Wonder how much time was put into the writing??


By the way, Stuart, remember that Scottish actor from "Naked" who you could not at all understand until you rewound the film a lot of times? That guy has been getting a lot of roles recently in film - and you still can't tell what the heck he is saying!! But, hey, he always does a great job in his films.

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Thank you for sharing this article with us. It is informative and witty. I learned a great deal about digital photography (very good to compare the A4 with the M6) and about Hong Kong. I also learned a few new things about Leica shooting. A very good piece of writing.

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Perhaps there was no need for you to buy and process film in Hong Kong. Modern X-ray machines do not harm film, esp. 400 speed films like Tri-X. You may have your own experiences, no doubt, but I've had my film (incl. Provia 400, Portra 160, etc.) scanned by numerous X-ray machines in my travels without problems, if they are film-safe machines. They were not fogged at all. But in any case, buying film in HK is not a bad idea, it's cheaper than buying it in UK.


Thus, I do not agree that a daily trip to the photo processor is necessary, and this disadvantage of film photography is created unnecessarily. But anyway, thanks for the tip about John Leung.


Do I detect a slight negative bias towards film photography? "Who wants to add 40 folls of film to already heavy hand luggage." You could also say "Who wants to add a battery charger + spare batteries + laptop/portable hard drive to already heavy hand luggage?" We all want to travel light, but you do it because you have to do it, and 40 rolls of film isn't as heavy as a laptop.

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Hmmm - varied opinions, as always. To me, a Mark Twain quotation came to mind: "I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead."


So, Thomas, as you started this thread, please enlighten us why it caused you to post 'WOW!' on two separate fora. I'm genuinely curious.

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Thanks for the recommendation on the Heard Street processing house Thomas. I'll look out for it.


Sojourning in Central for the meantime, I enjoyed your article (one proviso being that it has a somewhat sanitised and digitally antiseptic flavour). The article seems to mark out the limitations of digital capture media (looking at the images and the words to buttress the images) rather than express its utility in the making of images. Maybe it strikes me as hampering your expression of image making with a preoccupation over technical functions of the camera.


It looks like you've enjoyed Hong Kong nonetheless.



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I really do appreciate his in-depth knowledge of Leica metering and batteries!


I know it's very late here in London but did I miss something?

Alex did you really find it informative and witty?

The nonesense he wrote about the above just casts a very great doubt in my mind about whether or not the rest of what is written is also nonesense?





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"As a fair-haired Westerner I was never going to blend in, so stealth

photography was not an option."


One more reason why I never bothered to attempt "candid" photos during my

life abroad. A red-headed, red-skinned, foreigner with black box in front of his

face always going to be pretty dang obvious so you might as well go with the

other meaning of candid.

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Really nice well written with good photos.Some very important remarks and observations about using digital and film..Seems like one ought to use one type at a time.The logistics of all the "stuff" you need with digital is where I get lost..Lap-tops, Scandiscs,

batteries and chargers.X-Rays are a problem.I have processed film on the go.Prints later back home.

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I hate to labour this but how can you say it was well written?


The author,Colin Jago [ follow the link at the page bottom} states that the M6's batteries are there just to light up the two little viewfinder lights, and if the battery fails all you lose is those two little lights! He goes on to say the MP has no battery at all. After that how could you rely on any thing else being accurate? let alone well written!





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You know, some of the posters on this forum are amazing. All I

did was post a single word, "wow", and a link. This is the result:


1. I wrote the article.

2. I didn't write the article.

3. I wrote the article and I don't know what I'm talking about.

4. I wrote the article and I do know what I'm talking about.

5. I've been to Singapore.

6. Leicas are better than Minolta A2s.

7. Film is better than digital.

8. Leicas are better than anything.

9. I shouldn't have said "wow" because it implied that I think the

writer is; correct, is incorrect, has a lot of chutspa, has his nerve

actually speaking about Leica and a digital piece of s**t in the

same page let alone in the same sentence,

10. What does "wow" mean? (if we find out, maybe we can pin

Thomas down and make him squirm with our greater

knowledge, taste, judgement, photographic acumen, vocabulary)

Maybe, Heaven forfend, Thomas is (gulp!) trolling! Or flaming

something or somebody. What could it be??)


Bottom line? The guy who wrote that piece telling of his

experiences in comparing a digital camera with a Leica can go

straight to Hell for his disrespect to -- (kneel, please) Leica

cameras. And if Thomas is thinking impure thoughts along

these same lines, he can join him.


(Sorry guys and gals - no offense intended. This was just too

delicious to pass up!)



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