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A good buddy of mine is interested in this film scanner. It's a good

bargain. I'm using a Nikon V and am reasonably happy, but that's

considerably more expensive.


If price is a consideration, how does the Minolta scanner perform? Or

is it better to do without and save up for a Nikon scanner?


Thanks for all and any advice.



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The biggest difference is going to be the lack of Digital ICE in the Scan Dual IV. I own the Scan Dual IV and think it does an excellent job for the $280 dollars I paid for it. I don't have a problem with the ability of the Auto Dust Brush feature and any follow-up dust spot cleaning; however, some folks think Digital ICE is worth the extra cost of the Coolscan. It ultimately depends on how much of a consideration price is with your friend and only he can answer that question.
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I have a Scan Dual IV, and I'm very happy with it. Its optical quality is not as high as that of more expensive scanners, so if maximizing detail is important for you, you would be well advised to get a more expensive scanner. With my SD IV, I can make good 8 x 10 prints and perhaps some even larger ones with careful massaging of the scan in a photoeditor. I'm using mine to scan my old collection of 35 mm negatives, mainly b/w. With some of my old color negatives, dust really is a problem, and if you have a lot of such slides or negatives, IR dust reduction would be important. However, my b/w negatives seem pretty clean, and I have to do little or no spotting with the clone tool in my photoeditor.
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No, I never resolved it. My dad and I shared the cost of the scanner, and after I did my initial batch of slides he took it, so I haven't messed with it any more. At some point I will probably try again, and I'll post an update to this forum if I figure anything out (No ETA on that).



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