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Messed up testing Acros 100


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Don't laugh! I spent the better part of a couple days plus testing

some Fuji acros 100 in a Jobo tank with 300 ml D76 1:1 68 Deg. I

Started at 8:30 min rated at 100. If i liked this film I am convinced

to spend the extra money to eliminate dust, and loading holders in my

camper. Anyhow I bought a stoufers 21 step wedge. Well 1st it took me

a while to find a holder that would accept the film and step wedge.

Then put the gaffer tape to it, because it was in rough shape, but

the only one that accepted film and wedge. I also loaded 2 more

holders, thats 4 more sheets to test by the method described in

the "NEGATIVE". So thats 6 sheets 1 for film base+fog. Well to make

this story shorter my wife had moved the center core of my 2500

series tank into the laundry room were I was storing some house paint

rollers. Well it took me two loads of acros and a load of delta 100.

to figure out that I had a light leak, and part of my tank was

missing. I have always adjusted about 15% for rotary processing, then

Fuji told me that they recommended a 1 min. pre wash and regular

times as a starting point for acros. At the same time I decided to

down rate my last test to 50 ISO instead of 100. Well it came out

that if I would have left it at 100 ISO at about 10:00 min. with a

1min pre wash I would have been right on. NOW Can some one help me

with what little film I have left to do another test if these times

and speeds sound correct for acros 100 and D-76 in a rotary

processor? Does Acros usualy come out around 100 speed? Does 10:00-

10:30 min. sound about right for D76 1:1 @ 68 deg. with a 1 min. pre

wash? Help me please! It has been a long winter and I am loosing it.


Oh ya I forgot about the one holder were I forgot to compensate for

my luna-pro f attatchment, that was 3 stops off. I guess it is worth

a good laugh now that I can look back on it.





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Hi Dan,


Give the following a try:


Fuji Acros in D-76 1:1 @ 68?f

Constant Agitaion in Tubes


N = 50 ASA - Develop for 6 minutes

N+1 = 64 ASA - Develop for 10 minutes

N+1 2/3 = 80 ASA - Develop for 16 minutes

N-1 = 32 ASA - Develop for 4 minutes


These times will roughly give you negatives that print on the average grade 2 paper or an

exposure scale of 1.05log.


I never bother with a pre-wash myself but that is just me. I hope some of this helps.

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