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Are there any Photographer exchange programs? Eastern Europe? Elsewhere?


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I was wondering if there is any exchange program for photographers in

foreign countries? Something like a house exchange (hosted) where

each person visits the others country and is hosted by a local

photographer. The advantage would be trading of housing and having a

local with the native language be able to show you around. An extra

benifit would be seeing how another photographer works. My question

revolves around an interest in going to Hungry or Czech Republic but

not knowing those languages and not knowing a soul in either country.

I live in Montana, USA. Thanks for any comments!

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This is kind of along the lines of what you're looking for, but it's not hosted. You exchange houses/apartments/condos with someone for a while. I haven't tried it myself, but I bookmarked it years ago. Maybe you can find someone who has a neighbour that wouldn't mind taking you around to see the sights or whatever.



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  • 1 year later...

It is interesting idea � to share experience and spend some time together when photographer comes to the other country. Maybe hosting exchange is so big obligation, but to meat other enthusiast of photography is very nice. If someone think to travel to Lithuania information about hosting you can find here http://www.teamholiday.co.uk/products-accommodation.

Overall Lithuania is cheap country and like in others country�s in Lithuania can be founded interesting objects for photographers. (unique place and excellent object for photographer is Curonian Spit).

Personally I with pleasure meat photographers from other countries.

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