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Mamiya RZ


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I need to hire a 67 slr body and shift lens for a particular series

of photographs. I can get from Calumet a Mamiya RZ and an

appropriate 75mm lens. I understand that this camera has a

revolving film back which obviates the need to turn the camera on

its side for verticals.


My questions are is whether the view through the finder also changes

when the back is revolved?


And whether the image circle on the shift lens allows the making of

vertical images with shift.



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David, just to bring you attention to it, there have been remarks in various

threads I ahve read in the past as to how many have considerd the 75mm

lens just not wide enough, (especially in tight quarters), so you might want to

consider your subject matter and the angle of the lens.

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I believe it is only the RZ Pro II that has the automatic size masking on rotating the back. The original RZ had insertes for vertical and horizontal.


The masking blades are part of the RZ Pro II body and will work with any of the rangefinders installed.


As for the lens it is wide enough to handle both horizontal and vertical format shift. The lens also rotates in its mount to provide horizontal or vertical shift if needed, or any angle in between.



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