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2nd Wedding - please critique

holly mikel

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I like the pictures that you've got, they've captured a range of emotions. My main concern is that the colours look very over saturated, and I suspect the exposure is also out... (Maybe these are just scanning issues, I don't know)


Could you let us know what equipment you used... Keep up the good work.



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Ben - the prints are a little different than the scans. I use 2 Canon Elan 7's with various lenses and flash bracket w/540EZ. The exposures during ceremony are all horiz. because my setup is too heavy to go vertical on the tripod, and there was a no flash rule. So they are a little yellow from the natural lights (filter needed?) I agree about the oversaturation though - esp. w/groomsmen pics. I don't know how to correct that.
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I'm no expert, I've only done one wedding myself, but... To accomodate for the colour problem, you can get tungsten film... I'm sure the others will verify this. The saturation can be quickly and easily cleaned up using even the most basic photo editing software (what do you currently use?). You've done well to keep all your photo's horizontal, I hadn't even noticed the lack of portrait photos, lol.



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I don't know how you present your pictures (maybe just prints). If your presenting digital images though (that you have scanned) then it's essential you got some Digital Imaging Expereince. Maybe you could get some free software from the front of a magazine.... Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, PaintShop Pro are all powerful editing suites (Gimps free)... The learning curve might be difficult, but its worth knowing.






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Holly, I have a grand total of three wedding under my belt so take my thoughts with a grain of tri-x. For your second wedding I think these pictures are good (I'm ignoring the issues of saturation, contrast etc mentioned above). That's the good news. It's also the bad news. These images look very stock. And maybe that's what the couple wanted, in which case this is very good work. But looking at your other work, I think you have a lot more talent and originality than I see in these pics. Maybe it's just the ones you chose to upload, but if these are representative I think you could do better closing in on the details (as you did some in #1) and getting us closer to the emotions of the participants. As an example, I'd like to see tighter headshot candids of the B&G during that first dance or stealing away for a kiss, etc. The posed pictures (better than my attempts by far) look very routine, probably as a result of the conditions under which you were operating (venue, client demands), but maybe there was a way or a place to make them more unique, interesting. I wasn't there so I can't say. I assume you've read several of the books mentioned here. I find them and the work of our comrades here very inspiring as far as making the dreaded posed shots more appealing. You're clearly a talented photgrapher but you need to push your envelop, IMO. Paul
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I think your images are beautiful. The only thing that worries me is that you have them cropped very tight. Usually the B&G will want 8X10's in their wedding album. When you crop a 4X6 print to an 8X10 you loose an inch off the 4X6. Looking at some of your group shots if you take an inch off, you will cut into the group. Same thing with the full length dancing shots. The images are beautiful, you did a great job, just don't crop quite as tight.

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Thank you everyone. Ben: I present prints to B/G - I only scanned these to get opinions here. The class I am currently taking includes a copy of Adobe Photoshop - so paired w/a better scanner I hope to utilize that in the future. Paul - I agree about the lack of originality. The 1st wedding WAS more original, but the standard shots absolutely sucked (ceremony,cake,bouquet,group shots). On the 2nd I tried to get the necessary images down first - and since I was doing for really low price I didn't shoot as much black and white (my favorite to use) Hopefully my 3rd I will be confident enough to get the standards as well as the artistic ones. I didn't realize how much everyone liked those until I didn't include them in the 2nd. Kari - I agree about the cropping (a very bad habit of mine). If they want an enlargement and an 8 x 10 will crop - I'll pay for it to go to 8 x 12 and matte to an 11 x 14 so they won't have trouble finding a frame (expensive lesson there). Thank you everyone.
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