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When I saw that quote many moons ago, I laughed my butt off. I still kid Al about it all of the time. I think James Mitchell was the one who suggested it as the slogan for the new shirt.


I am all for it but we will probably have to pay royalties to A-Rod. He has a new baby and all so he could probably use the money he'd squeeze out of us to buy diapers.

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Jeepers, we'd better listen to that advice from Mikal! After all, he's a lawyer and his wife is expecting a baby any day now so he'll be buying formula and Pampers too. I wonder if he's hoping to represent A-Rod in bringing suit against using that slogan on the shirt? Fess up Mikal! After we're all penniless and reduced to shooting with Feds Mykal will probably open a camera store in Hollywood, Florida called A-Rod's Leica Haus.
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