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Forgive me if this is the wrong place to ask. I bought the Optix X-R

bundle from X-rite back at the end of December 2004 and promptly sent

my rebate requirements off to the company. Here it is heading into

the second week of March and I've not received a rebate check yet.


On their website I've been unable to find a place to check for rebate

status. I suppose I may have to put in a phone call, but I'm

wondering if anyone else has waited a long time for a check to come.

Maybe I just need to have a little more patience?

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The first thing rebate processing companies do with your submission is run it thru the paper shredder, then give it to monkeys to glue back together ... or it certainly seems that way.


If there is the slightest little discrepancy on your submission, some "i" not dotted or "t" not crossed, they will STOP processing it and *NOT* bother to tell you, hoping you will forget and go away ...


Seriously, I would call them, because they may claim "we never received it". You did keep copies of all the paperwork, right?


Gawd, how I hate rebates and coupons ...

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Well I put in a call to them on Monday the 7th of March.


The rebate was processed on February 24th, and was sitting on her desk, supposedly ready to go out in the mail the day of my phone call. Hmmmm..... isn't that a coincidence?


Didn't bother to ask because I know that I'd get a load of malarky, but why are rebate checks sitting on someone's desk for more than ten days after they're ready to be mailed? *shakes head*


Now it will probably take another 2 weeks to receive it in the mail?

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