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The Loudest Concert...


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Well the recent spate of concert photos has got me going...<p>


I used to do it a lot, mostly for the musicians or their publicists. A few for me.<p>


The photo below is from the second loudest concert I've ever been to, Praxis at the Anchorage. The Anchorage is inside the base of the Brooklyn Bridge on the Brooklyn side, it's all stone, the reflections are intense. My wife was holding a bottle of water and the water was moving, it was that loud. <p>


The loudest concert I ever went to was Public Image on an early US tour. I sat in the sixteenth row, wore earplugs and couldn't hear for days. There were people up front with their ears pressed against the amps. <p>


So I'm not sure how much of a people pic this is, but here it is.<p>



<img src="http://www.spirer.com/images/praxis.jpg">

<i>Praxis at the Anchorage, copyright 1997 Jeff Spirer</i>


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I love the shadow too - and esp. the little burned out figure inside.

Great shot!




I think the loudest concert I ever went to was Manowar - or maybe

Motorhead - or Ronnie James Dio - or David Lee Roth etc. etc. etc.

During the 80's I damaged my hearing permanently, but it was fun. Too

bad I never thought to bring a camera along.

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