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Nikon F-100 Date Back mf-29


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I have a Nikon f-100 that I love to use, however my wife always

insists that I use her minolta to shoot family snapshots because it

has the date back. I resolved this problem by purchasing the mf-29

for the Nikon. My problem is that when I get the photos back there

isn't a date imprinted on them. I am able to see the date in the lcd

screen on the back of the camera and I thought that was all it took

to make it work. I am wondering if there is a trick that someone

might know about that I am not doing. I purchased this off of a well

known auctions site so no warranties apply.


I am grateful for any help you might be able to give.



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Hey Corey, have you read over the manual? I don't have the MF29 but I do have the MF28 for the F5 and there is a option to imprint and not, so you might want to read over that. If you dont' have it, do a search online for MF-29. I'm sure you will find it.
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Maybe the answer to your problem is the problem you are having. DON'T get the data back working , by all means; just leave it be defunct! PLEASE.


Do you really like to mess up every pic you shoot with a - excuse me - stupid date on its lower edge? That goes so much against the concept of art and photography to be repulsive to me. Simply get a P+S for shooting date stamped pics of the family, if your wife insists. But leave your art work clean of dumb dates. [You will never, ever be able to erase them later, just to let you know ...]


My two cents worth - on not wasting your F100 and your talent on dumbing down here. What a waste of opportunity! What is the value of that imprinted date and time anyway??


Your marriage; you decide, of course. Good luck with your photography, no matter what! [The only situation for needing date stamps on pics might be in police work, architecture progress reports etc ... okay.]

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You can set a CSM option to print a date on the first (blank) frame when the film is loaded. It will also print on subsequent frames unless you turn the back off. The date code is ugly and the first-frame option inconvenient to use. The date back was a complete waste of money, IMO.


The advanced data back for the F5 is another matter! It imprints the time and date between frames, and the message can be customized. If I still shot (35mm) film, I'd get one of these backs for events and travel, to make logging locations and names easier. Digital solves all of that with the EXIF data and sequential image numbers.

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thanks to all for your responses, but I would like to reiterate that I also think poorly of the date on my images, however I love shooting with the f100. So for me it was easy to purchase the mf29 for about $100.00, and be able to shoot with it all the time instead of the rare opportunities I have to concentrate on the art of photography. Unfortunatly I dont have the time I use to shoot, children can really change things.


Again thanks for the comments and the compliments,


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