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Summicron 50mm DR and M6

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Happy new year to all.


The close focusing feature of this lens is certainly a point of

attraction. Some of the comments regarding this lens, however,

mention compatability issues between the close focusing finder and

the M6. If these comments are accurate, are there any ready and fast

rules regarding which production seriel numbers in the M6 range that

are likely to cause such problem. Further, are these comments

applicable on the M6TTL, or just the classic. Certainly, the ultimate

hedge is to check the lens with the bodies in question, but this may

not be easily done prior to buying it by mail for instance.


Thank you for your comments and advice.

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You should not have any problem focusing the DR with any M camera. I use the DRs all the time,my favorite lens and have used them or lent them to be used on every rangefinder M except the M7.

It's still the best 50 MM Summicron ever made.

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It is very important to have the lens on infinity before mounting it on the M6, at least NOT in the close range! I am not talking about damage but had an entire film unsharp because I focused in the close range which can not be noticed in the finder where everything seems normal untill infinity...

great lens


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The DR is an essential addition to any m setup. It works perfectly on my .85 classic M6 in close mode and I second the note above on always mounting whilst on infinity.


The difference in colour rendition and contrast between the DR and my other cron, the current version with built in hood is significant. It does however have a delicious signature and the close focus mode is brilliant. wouldnt be without it, Check out Ralph Gibsons series done with this lens. beautiful...


try www.ralphgibson.com


It now lives on my M3 where it really belongs.

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That's right Al, but what about the difference in perspective...


As a 'Leicaholic' I say get both a DR and a 90. The DR is one of a kind and super versatile, I doubt most m users would let go of this beauty once touched by its qualities.

An elmarit of almost any type is nice but I rarely use mine compared the 50.

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There is an alignment peg on the back of the finder attachment (at least some of them, maybe all) that needs to be removed before it can be mounted on an M6. It's held on by one screw. It slides over the top plate when the finder is attached to earlier M bodies, but hits the higher top plate of an M6 and won't let the finder mount on the lens.
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I have a DR here borrowed from a friend along with her M3. The DR won't mount on my M6, M7 and didn't go onto to my ex-M4. Just won't go. It barely turns once it is fit into the body. Weird. Just locks/jams and I'm ot going to force it. All my lenses go onto her M3 just fine. Where the lens is focused makes no difference.
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