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Booking season?


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My bookings ran relatively constant throughout the years. I did a few shows and changed my "referral" stategy this past year. Wow! What a difference. Right after the holidays the inquires have been coming in at a rate of about 6-8 per week. Some dates I am passing along to a few other photographers. That may change, since they have not sent anything my way. Most bookings are for fall 05, and I've booked a few for spring 06. I have a feeling that there will be another spike right after Valentines Day. Good luck....john
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In the past I would simply discuss referrals with other vendors at a wedding or bridal show. Take a card and refer them if I felt they were up-to-par. A few months ago I invited twenty or so vendors to a local coffee house to set up a referral network in a more formal sense. Only five other vendors showed. We subsequently met again and have formed a pretty close bond. These are all vendors with at least ten to fifteen years in the business and are serious about their work and being loyal to the group. We plan on meeting every few weeks and discussing other joint ventures like advertising, etc. So far it has been a great experience with lots of promise. Email me if you like and I will give you more detail.....jzpics@yahoo.com
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