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nikon F75 with a new lens (telephoto)


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i bought a new Nikon F75 From (5star marketkhidirpore kolkata (grey

market). the body cost was RS. 9800 and 28-100mm G lens was 4500

bucks. i want to know wheter it is a good buy or not. i am planning

to buy a nikkor Telephoto zoom lens . in metro Gally(grey market) the

pprice of 70-300mm g type is 5000 rupees. should i buy this or any

else of other company like Sigma Or Tamron.



please suggest please.

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It think its a little too late to be asking if the price you paid was good or bad. Most of the time people ask BEFORE they spend their monies. And perhaps you can use a US dollar, EURO or Pound sterling or yen in monetary comparison since Rupees are not listed in my currency conversation tables.


By the way, the going rate for Nikkor G type 70-300mm is about $130us dollars, 110 euros or 70 pounds sterling...........less customs,VAT,postage or other misc taxes added)

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i got the Nikon F75 with 28-100G lens, a Uv filter, a camera bag, for 166 pound sterling. i am planning to buy a tripod also

please suggest a good but cheap one.


i want to know about the battery life of CR2 battery. is MB18 Battery pack any good it cost in india about 24 pounds.



i also want to buy a circular polrising filter. which company is good?


if Nikon 70-300mm G is not good . then please suggest a good lens in that price range.

other company lens like sigma or tamron will also do.



plase suggest please

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At Rs 45 to the dollar, you are paying about $200 for the body and about $100 each for the G zooms. A friend recenly got an N75 for $100 new in the US, s your prices might be a tad high. That said, I have not bought much equipment in Kolkata, so I have little idea what the prices are usually like.


I don't know how good an idea you have about equipment or how much you are ready to spend, but if I were starting out in Kolkata I would avoid the cheap-autofocus-lens-only option. I have been through the equipment acquisition and equipment dumping phase, but eBay makes that a lot easier when you are on a tight budget like me:-).



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