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w/nw: Up to no good-II

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"I found this article most appropriate..."


And your point is what, Heather? ;>)


Reminds me of a very desperate and obnoxious guy I knew who used to frequent "gentlemen's clubs" quite often. We used to tell him that he couldn't get laid in a monkey whorehouse with a bag full of bananas. (I know... we were very cruel.) ;>)

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This shot is from the late seventies, taken on Bourbon Street. (In fact, I think it's from the first roll I shot with my first Leica, an old double stroke M3 with an uncoated 50mm f3.5 screw-mount Elmar.)


What cracks me up about New Orleans is that for all the nice things about the place, Bourbon Street gives new meaning to the term "slumming". Where else can you see someone's sweet grandmother standing in front of a picture of a gymnastic stripper? ;>)


New Orleans reminds me somewhat of Amsterdam, where people go to see or sample vices that are not as readily or publicly available at home.


C'est la vie...<div>00B5BN-21789384.jpg.6f24d76ed53ab2252533ab9d6b511087.jpg</div>

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Yeah,70's definately.Hairstyles,clothes,hand painted signage, and the peeler photography

with 50's lighting.To me,back in those days it did not seem as if one would observe the

same people as you would today "slumming it".Back then,those areas actually were 'mean

streets'.Now that particular culture(if you want to call it that),is somewhat sanitized and

mainstream.My shot was taken with a Pentax Spotmatic II,50mm smc f/1.4 .Was not aware

of Leica back then.

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