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Life in Kopparberg, Sweeden


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Spent a couple days in Kopparberg, Sweeden at a friends house. No electricity, coal ovens

for heating and a friendly pig slaughtering. <br>

Lots of fun. Let me know what you think.


Cheers, Kipling



<center><img src=http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/2938198-lg.jpg> </center>



<center><img src=http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/2938214-lg.jpg> </center>



<center><img src=http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/2938211-lg.jpg> </center>



<center><img src=http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/2938206-lg.jpg> </center>



<center><img src=http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/2938200-lg.jpg> </center>



<center><img src=http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/2938209-lg.jpg> </center>



<center><img src=http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/2938218-lg.jpg> </center>



<center><img src=http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/2938221-lg.jpg> </center>

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I don't actually remember what that stuff was we were drinking but it was strong as hell, I

think it was schnapps. <br>

I used my Hexar AF for everything. Film was Tri-x outdoors and Delta 3200 in doors.


I didn't know you lived that far north Eric. It is beautiful up there, we don't get very much

snow where I live (Hamburg, Germany), so it's nice for experiencing a real winter - at least

for a couple of days.

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Nice Pig. I wish I was there. The house looks a lot like mine but we do have electricity :-) here in Maine.


Is it true that the pig has to be unstressed before it gets killed?


I heard that if you chase the pig around and put him under great stress then the meat isn't very good to eat.

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I don't know if Vancouver is that far north or not. but an hour up the highway we have Whistler and Blackhomb. hell, i live in the mountains of north vancouver, 10 mins drive from the citycentre, and my place looks like that right now. same deal, hamsters genterating ac for my computer too... Last year? <center><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/2938584-md.jpg"></center>
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Adrenalin is produced when an animal gets excited or stressed and has a bitter taste to it. It's not just pigs!


Here in Miami, FL it's a balmy 77 degrees farenheit (about 25 degrees C), partly cloudy and a gentle breeze at 7:45 PM. I'm staying right here. You guys enjoy the cold!

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Quit bragging Al. Can you get snow pictures in Miami? I burned the bottom of my feet playing shuffleboard at the Sun Ranch about 1955. Now before you call me stupid, we had breakfast and had to wait for the chance to play. While we waited, the sun heated the cement, but we did not want to loose our turn. Then they sprayed for fruit flies and got some awful stuff all over the car. I think I remember some recent bad weather there too, high winds and such.
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Ronald, it last snowed here in 1977. It stuck to the leaves and the grass for an hour or so until the sun came up a bit, but there was too much retained heat in the pavement and it kept the roads from icing over. This has been a very mild winter so far. I've used the air conditioner a number of days but not the heat. I love it! I just got back from sitting at the outside patio at Starbucks wearing a short sleeved shirt, and admiring the girls in their halter tops and mini skirts. They don't dress that way in the snow, do they?
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