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Got My Astia Kicked in Downtown LA

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I was downtown with my family on Saturday, a beautiful sunny

afternoon. I had with me a "new" 50mm Nokton that I received in

trade from David Benito (Gracias, David) and the slowest film in my

refrigerator- Astia 100. The entire roll has an over-the-top blue

cast that cannot be color-balanced away gracefully. It makes

buildings look surreal and people so bad that the only thing to do is

"channel mix" them into black and white. Could some one please tell

me what this film is good for?


I've got a bunch of this stuff. Velvia too. Does anyone want to swap

for some black and white?<div>00AyG8-21643684.jpg.524fc8976f6bd21a4ab8b967e856d52b.jpg</div>

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Dang that's BLUE! Maybe they made up a batch of type B (designed for 3200K studio lighting) and packed it for daylight film by mistake? See if you can borrow an 85B filter, or even an 85A (designed for 3400K "photofloods") and see what it looks like. Both filters are salmon colored. I've got an 85B in 39mm around here someplace, probably a single coated Hoya.
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Thanks for the offer, but I don't have any lenses that take 39mm filters. Does anyone know what size filter the 50mm Nokton takes? There is no number on the lens itself. If anyone wants to sell a UV and/or yellow filter for that lens I would buy it. (Or give them all my Astia and Velvia for it.)

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That looks exactly like the few shots of Tungsten film I've accidently shot in daylight (see, I've mastered loading film in the camera before I go out, just not necessarily the right one...)


I've found good results with provia 100, I haven't really experimented that much. Here's a shot with provia, and the skintones seem decent enough:<p>

<center><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/3080582-lg.jpg"></center><p>

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How wonderfully retro of Fuji! Now you can get that 20 year old Ektachrome

slide look -- WITHOUT THE WAIT!


Seriously, I might test one more roll and if it's the same, I'd take the stuff back

and ask for either my money or an exchange. And don't settle for any BS that

it was yourf fault.

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