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Bumps and holes in leather

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I have bought the standard leatherette for my M2 from them and was very pleased. I also bought a leatherette for an old Contax 139 from eBay for a bit cheaper price, but the quality was not up to the cameraleather product.


If I were to get a new cover again I would choose one of the real leather types, they are so nice to look at ... and feel much better as well. But with the color I have in mind (bordeaux-red) I guess I would have to have my M2 painted black before applying the new leather ...

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Thanks Mike. I'm going to ask in cameraleather for the model I have and purchase the leather (not the snake one:-))


Kai, I love Bordeaux but for wine not for Leicas. Thanks a lot


Csab, I'm thinking to buy the foam kit in aki-asahi to repair my SLR Nikons. The mirrors are in dangers.

Thanks very much

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<p>Last year I tricked out an old Konica Auto S2 with some of cameraleather's British Racing Green kid goat leather. One year later, it's held up well and still feels great. I posted a thread about this camera <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=006Q0Q">here</a>, complete with some pictures of the camera's leather makeover.</p>
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Al Kaplan recovered one of his beat-up Leica M's. The Aki-Asahi black leather for the screw mounts looks like a really close match to the original. I didn't see a cameraleather.com leather that looked like the original.


On the foam topic, Jon Goodman (ebay interslice) has nice product. $6 will buy you enough for several Nikons.

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I have purchased covers from both Morgan Sparks at cameraleather and Akihiro Asahi. I have two covers from Aki, yellow lizard on a Minolta SR1s and tan lizard on a Minolta SR7v. I also have a Pentax H1a in Embossed Alligator, and a Konica Autoreflex TC in Grey Paradise Snake Skin from Cameraleather. I recently purchased 6 yards of Red Lizard Embossed leather on Evilbay, and have covered a GAF L17 and a Minolta XG/SE by myself. I also have a GAF LCS in Taupe Sea Snake. I guess you would call this "PIMP MY CLICKER"?
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