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Camera Leather follow up, (a.k.a. 'Camera Porn II' for Peter A.)

kevin m.

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The camera cover I ordered from Camera Leather finally arrived, and it

took about 20 minutes to install. It's an improvement, grip-wise,

over the original factory cover, but if you want something with some

real tack in the hand, he has covers he rates as being grippier than

this one.


FWIW, I guess he's started cutting the front cover piece in two to

make it easier to install, as that's how mine arrived. Personally,

I'd have prefered a one piece front cover, as it wasn't at all

difficult to install, but I don't know if he offers the option. Other

than that, the quality is really nice, and it fits even better than

the factory cover did.<div>00B3C9-21750684.jpg.9c357f7369d25672ad2a3dc6828da3ce.jpg</div>

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Kevin, do you know if those covers are designed to be peeled off and reattached or if the adhesive is made to stick for life so the cover would stretch beyond re-use or tear if it were removed? Reason I ask is because on the M6 and later bodies the covering covers up the screws that need to be removed to get the shutter assembly out of the body casting. The Leica covers are made so the service people can peel them off and re-stick them afterward. I was thinking of re-covering my MP with something grippy like that, since my fingers seem to slip off the OEM material when it's hot outside. I was figuring to order a body cover from Leica, since they now offer the vulcainte-pebble look as part of the a la carte, but I shudder to think of the cost and these cameraleather or asahi covers are reasonably priced.
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I think the cameraleather.com covers are quite a bit stickier than the OEM ones -- but they do come off (I had a stickiness issue with my K1000 cover, it came off pretty clean and Morgan re-tacked the edge glue for me), not that you'd want to do it much. They also stretch a bit, so I'm not sure I'd plan on doing it more than once or twice for that reason. Further, depending on the leather, they can be a bit brittle -- too much handling off the camera and stretching and I would think you'd have something of a mess on your hands. I, too, was surprised to see the two-piece front covers -- got an M3 covering yesterday that was split below the lens mount, and I wondered if maybe I had done that inadvertently. Little bit of a gap down there now, but nothing you'd notice, obviously enough. Here's a plug for brown-on-chrome, too -- saw a K1000 SE (brown on chrome) a few months ago and thought I'd give it a spin on the tatty old M3 -- came out purty good.


And what can I say about that Hasselblad except "WOW"?<div>00B3I4-21752684.jpg.ff6d4c3ae32a10c855baf5d389e20b8f.jpg</div>

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Peter, it's standard black chrome. When DAG did the finder upgrade, I had him replace the red dot with a black one, then I filled the white lettering in with black paint. Looks pretty stealthy, eh? The camera was a user, so the lettering was pretty grungy anyway, as was the factory cover.


BTW, I had DAG remove the 28, 75 and 135mm framelines from the finder leaving just the 35, 50 and 90mm like the M2 had. Much nicer.

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You have forgotten to blacken out the lens name and serial number. I think it

would be better still if you could also blacken out the intrusive white shutter

speeds and the glaring aperture/focus numbers on the lens barrel. Cool.


Has anyone done a makeover with gold fill in the body and lens numbers?

Black and gold - wow.

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"Why would anyone want to take the new cover off & re-apply it?"


Paul, you wouldn't on any body through the M4-P, as the screws that a repairman needs to remove to get the innards out of the body casting are exposed on the outside of the vulcanite or its replacement. However on the M6, M7 and MP those screws are underneath the body covering and it needs to be peeled off for the repairman to get at them.

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I sent the camera to DAG to do the flare-free finder upgrade and asked him to replace the red dot with a black one when he put it back together. He said he has to order them from Hong Kong, and charges $15 for them. I filled in the lettering myself with SEM satin black automotive trim paint.


The grip is an ebay special. I'm not sure who makes them. It's stamped "M-GRIP PHOTO EQUIP USA" inside the base.

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Kevin, Your grip is the GMP grip. New ones are sold by Rich Pinto at www.photovillage.com


When I used grips, this is the one I had. It is much better than the Leica grip. All metal (the Leica is plastic), won't slip off your hand as it is not rounded. Good solid feel without being bulky.

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