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28/35 finder for 25?


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Hi, I recently bought a Carl Zeiss Jena Flektogon 25/4 lens and plan

to use it on my M3. So I would need to use an external viewfinder

but I'm wondering if I can use Voigtlander 28/35 mini finder (for a

quite accurate estimation), instead of buying a new 25mm viewfinder

(which would cost me a lot). Would you please share your

experience/opinion? Thanks!

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It isn't difficult to learn the amount of leeway to allow for the added size of the 25 field. I use the 25 Skopar and though I have the proper finder for it I usually just make allowance in the 28 frame of the camera. This way I don't have a lot of estraneous gear hanging on a nice ergonomic camera that the Leica was intended to be by Herr Barnack. It has prevented several decapitations & amputated feet.
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