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M6 TTL viewfinder flaring


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I have heard that Leica corrects this problem for around $125. What they do is add an extra lens inside the viewfinder like the newer MP and M7. There is more information at:




and also other places on the site. It's very annoying, I have been having the same problem. I emailed Leica this weekend to get info on where to have this upgrade done. When I hear back from them I will post the info on this thread.

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I had my M7 and M6ttl both "unflared" by DAG. For the way I shoot and the

light I shoot in it really does work. Those who shoot outside most of the time

may have never even seen it. But indoors, one lamp off the one side kind of

shooting these cameras really do benefit from the mod. DAG is faster and

less expensive than Leica and he uses all the same parts. I'm sure Sheery

does the same.

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Leica charges around $275, DAG charges $165. I borrowed an M6TTL for a week a couple years ago and I was also frustrated by the white-out of the rangefinder. An M6 classic of the >2million serial# I owned also whited out badly. My M4-P (now sold)and my recently purchased early (circa 1985)M6 flare a bit more than my MP and M4 but not nearly as much as the later Classic or the TTL, and not enough to make me need to bother upgrading it. Maybe something additionally was cheapened as time went on.
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I called and spoke with Don this morning and he quoted me $165 plus $18 shipping/insurance. I'm going to send it to him, for work he has done for me as well as my father has been outstanding! There is no way I would pay Leica-New Jersey to fix it for almost $300: I refuse to pay them that for a problem that should not have been incorporated into this model by their engineers. Shame on Leica-Solms!
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Terry, this subject comes up frequently on this forum. Some users of Leica M are very sensitive to VF flare while others hardly notice it (like me). It may be that if you shift your eye position slightly when it flares, the flare will disappear. That is the most logical explanation. I didn't even know there was such a thing as a flare problem until I read it on the Leica forum. :-)
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Nothing personal, Eliot, but everybody's different. My M6TTL flares <i>every</i> time there's a point light source to the side of the finder. The biggest proponent of the 'just reposition your eye' myth is now gone, but he oddly posted few photos, and none that I recall were shot in low light.
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For newcomers: Kevin is talking about the infamous Jay; this place is much duller without him, but he was certainly wrong about RF flare. It's a real problem and worth doing the upgrade. It's rather pathetic if you've ever used an el-cheapo Bessa which is entirely immune to this problem, but we put up with these things for the sake of other pleasures. My M6 0.85 is at DAG right this very moment having it done.
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