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Cmos Sensor Scratch

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Hey Folks,


yes very bad news: I think I got a scratch on my cmos sensor. Its visible on

pictures like a usual dust spot .. begining from around F11 if there is only a

plain colour showed.. like blue skies etc.


I know that its maybe the worst that could have happened.. and that I won?t

get any guarantee and its very expensive to replace and so on.. so please dont

make me cry again, its hard enough ;)


any alternatives? removing a scratch from a sensor, impossible? no glass-

polishing whatsoever?


would be open for any hints :)


thank you, cheers

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You could probably sandpaper it off. If you get some wet & dry abrasive paper, start with a

coarse grade, then gradually work up to a finer grade. Eventually, you'll have sanded the

scratch off completely and nobody will ever know it was there. Unfortunately by then the high

pass filter's glass surface will be completely and utterly knackered for photographic

purposes, but at least you'll have removed the scratch.

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"LifePixel.com tutorial on replacing IR filter"


That's some scary DIY!


Having said that, there isn't really anything in there that sounds too terribly difficult. I'd be a little worried about getting the AF sensors and such back in proper alignment afterwards.


I wonder how hard it would be to get a replacement OEM anti-aliasing filter?




Geoff S.

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Assuming this is an EOS DSLR (this isn't supposed to be a guessing game), it may well be better just to send it back for repair. In the long run it could work out cheaper than trying to do it yourself, then sending the broken camera back.


Usually it turns out that people who think they have scratched the sensor actually haven't and it's just a streak of dirt. You may be unlucky, but maybe not.

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well, is it possible to buy the AA-Filter? I am pretty sure I only scratched the glass and wouldn?t hesitate to change the glass by myself.


Anyway, I am 21, going to study in a few months and after 1 year of travels I won?t have any cent left for a damn cmos sensor costing me like 600 EURs. Thats the problem by the way: I would definately send the camera to canon, because I still do have warranty in Thailand where I bought this body, but I am well aware, that after cleaning the camera so often by myself, I won?t get a chance by the canon technicans to insist for my warranty...


Ah by the way I used a technique I found in a disscussion board - maybe even here, for cleaning my sensor. I just use lens cleaning tissues (no microfaser) and as pure alcohol as I can find (not as easy in south america, asia and so on)... in this case 97 degree.


I am usualy very careful .. and even this time I dont know how this scratch could appear.. but well, the fact is he is there.


I cleaned a lot again over the scratch, trying to scrub every kind of dust and stuff away.. but it still is there. So I am pretty sure it is a scratch, altough it couldnt be too deep. Well, at least deep enough to appear in my pictures - furthermore I can see the scratch with my eye while sensorcleaning.


I will upload pictures of the scratch soon (sorry I dont have a good connection here so far)


best wishes, marcel

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  • 2 weeks later...



some news: canon santiago de chile found out that indeed only the AA Filter ontop of the CMOS Sensor has been affected by this scratch. this shop can repair it for around 120 EUROS which is moderate and better than i expected.


anyway i did some research before giving my camera to repair and which might be interesting for other photographers that have to handle with the same problem:


canon in thailand would charge around 110 US-Dollars for this operation (changing the AA Filter, also known as "Low Pass Filter Assembly"). They would need 1-2 days for this. I think Thailand is very trustable for this but the shippingcosts let me hesitate to it with them.


canon in argentina and germany would need to see the camera first, in germany they would charge another 40 euros only for checking the camera.


indeed a good alternative is to order a replacment filter at canon directly! The cost for it is 92 US-Dollars.. Canon charges another 6 US for shipping it (only US). You can order it under this number:




once you call assk for a "low Pass Filter Assembly" or the ordernumber:




I think its not very hard to change this filter on your own and ideed its alot cheaper! If i would live in the US i would do it without hesitating.


Well thats it, i will get my camera back on thursday and i hope everything will be fine again :)


ciao, marcel

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