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how would you light this?


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i've been reading photo.net for a while. great site! this is the first time i've

ever posted a question.


i'm trying to duplicate, or at the very least, emulate, this photo...

please let me know any ideas on how to do it right!


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It looks to me like there are two light sources here. One is the obvious backlighting which is lighting not only the dudes' hair, but also Dylan's face. The second light is aimed (more or less) at Dylan's back, which means the source is probably to the left of the camera, between camera and subject.


If you want to consider this picture another way, imagine that you are hovering in the air above Dylan and looking down. Imagine you are looking down at a clock face, and the subject (Dylan and friend) is right in the middle. The camera is at 6 o'clock, the back light is at 1 o'clock, and the key light is somewhere between 7 and 8 o'clock.


I recommend using 2 softboxes positioned as indicated.

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when was the last time you saw a softbox at a concert? Use a bare light with just the

standard reflector attached and at a little bit of a distance. the positioning is correct listed by

the last poster, but consider keeping the light harsh, the backlight being a touch stronger

(closer) than the light that illuminates the side facing the camera.

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dang. this forum thing really works. thanks everyone, especially joseph & caleb. you both echoed my intuitions on lighting this, so now i'm going to give it a shot. i'd still love to hear anymore ideas! thanks guys.
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"i'm trying to duplicate, or at the very least, emulate, this photo"


caleb no one said that he was shooting at a concert... especially as he's trying to emulate the shot... not only that but it's not like you can see a crowd or stage in that shot... the only way you know it's from a concert is because of the people in the shot... so you can use softboxes yes

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