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FM3a Aperature Priority Shutter Freeze up for 8+sec. exposure times


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There is not an 8 second auto exposure limit on the FM3a. The FM3a will, on A, time exposures accurately for many minutes - far longer than the maximum manual setting. This is a very useful feature for night photography.


I'm not sure that turning the dial to 1/4000th will end the exposure but the M250 setting certainly will if not.



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It may not be a malfunction. The F3's longest shutter speed available through manually setting the dial is 8 seconds. Same as the specs for AE mode. But my many nighttime photo forays under moonlight revealed that the shutter may remain open for 30 minutes or longer and still deliver remarkably accurate exposures!


Even tho' the F3's meter goes brain dead after the mirror flips up (unlike some Olympus OM-series SLRs), it still is capable of properly exposing for low light situations. The only difference I can see between the OM's and the F3 is that some OM's can continue metering after the shutter opens which is an advantage when the light changes significantly.


The FM3a may function similarly. It would be interesting to experiment with it.

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