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100mm 2.8 macro slow to focus


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I had the non usm version and was impressed with it's focus speed considering the weight of the lenses it had to move around to focus.It was about 50% slower to focus than my 50/1.8 (if i remember exactly)which is not too bad.

<P>However there are some issues as others say. Using the focus limit switch is essential if there is any chance of the camera missing focus.

<br>The other thing is -because the focusing lens parts are kind of heavy compared to basic small lenses,there is a tendencey to blow right past the focus point.I have a feeling this would happen a whole lot less on a 1 series body but have never had the opportunity to test the theory

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I have the same 300D + 100 mm 2.8 macro (no-USM) combo, with the same results: great

shots and hunting for focus up and down when aiming to low contrast areas.


So, use central point to focus and avoid low contrast areas such as uniform surfaces of

walls, sky,... and you will reduce that annoying tendence

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