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The quality of Summicron detail


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Earlier today I posted an item on my first dedicated shoot with my M7

and lenses and my new love affair with Leica M. Here I wanted to

share the marvellous resolution attributes of Summicron design

(35mm 'cron-ASPH and 50mm 'cron). I found it hard to put down the

Leica over the six days we dedicated to photography.


While my shots may not be too meaningful to others (taken in

Australia's Barrington Tops and a nearby farm), they illustrate the

beautiful detail.


The first is the base of a massive ancient tree in the forest that

has rain-forest characteristics. I suspect the 50mm resolved more

detail that my eye!


The second is of another part of the forest and through its dense

composition illustrates the 35mm's resolution and superb colour



They are un-manipulated and uncropped to show exactly what I got. The

B&W is Illford's great XP2 Super - great contrast and range. The

colour is standard and ever reliable Fuji Superia 400.


By the way, the Kodak c41 is rubbish compared to Illford c41. The

Kodak roll I shot was totally disapointing - washed out with poor



The light was very very low and both were shot hand-held at 1/30 or

less (I'm getting the hang of it - beats dragging around my



The third shot is a favourite of mine - akin to one of our most

famous painter's style, Sir Arthur Streeton. I could not resist

stealing his ideas.


I hope you enjoy and take more photos.<div>00AWe4-21029384.thumb.jpg.2af3183b920c15cab2386d4bba74f530.jpg</div>

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Great pictures, particularly the third. I thought it was more Bressonesque than Streeton. Keep it up.


I assume you are saying Kodak T400CN is rubbish compared to Ilford XP2 Super.


I completely disagree with you on that. I think you will find you are at odds with many C-41 B & W Chromogenic shooters.


I consider the Kodak product is far superior to its Ilford counterpart.


In any event great to see fellow Aussies on this forum.





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Simon - I particularly like the colour image. I've used both the chromogenic B+W's quite extensively and would say there's not much in it. The latest Kodak film is better than their now superceded T400CN but perhaps xp2 remains sharper, if a bit grainier. The Portra B+W (also now defunct as I understand) prints poorly on real B+W paper (needs grade 4 to get decent contrast). None of them deals with underexposure at all well - over exposure gives finer grain but more softness (or at least did this with T400CN).

Glad your enjoying the lenses. I imagine people will soon chip in to rain on your parade. Ho Hum!

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"The B&W is Illford's great XP2 Super - great contrast and range. The colour is standard and ever reliable Fuji Superia 400.


By the way, the Kodak c41 is rubbish compared to Illford c41."


I see no reference to Kodak C-41 except in the last sentence. The posted photos are from Illford and Fuji. That's why I asked, because I use c-41 films. Do you have a problem with English? Oh, I remember your a dog, a pretty dog, but still a dog. ;*)

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Thanks for the nice comments. The third shot was my favourite. The others illustrated my point.


Leslie is correct in her explanation of my comments about the respective films.


Thanks Tony. My own experience with Kodak C41 B&W has been disappointing compared to Illford's XP2 Super. But, I am aware, just as you point out, that most people in these fora are very complimentary about the Kodak product.


Stephen. I did not suggest any of the 3 shots were taken with the Kodak C41 B&W. I simply made comparative reference to it based on my past use of Kodak C41 B&W and the 2 XP2 Super examples posted above.


No I certainly don't have trouble with my use of the English language. I have even come close to mastering the American version of this fine language, despite the American errors of spelling, punctuation and grammar. And, as a final light hearted comment, your use of the word "your" in your final sentence should be "you're" (even in the American version of the English language")!!


Happy Christmas to all.

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