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I just aquired an ef 35-135f3.5-4.5 and I have a 30 day return on it,

does anyone have experiance with this lens. I thought I remember the old magic lantern guide saying it had 2 aspherical elements, but I would like to hear from a user. please respond only about this lens. thanks

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Standard answer to the standard question of "I just bought lens XYZ,

is it any good?" is:




Put film in camera. Take pictures. Get film processed. Examine

results. Do you like them?




The time for asking for other people's opinions of a lens is before

you buy it; the time for finding out if you like it is after you buy





Having said that, you can check out the specs on it at the Canon

Camera Museum that the previous response mentioned. For non-Canon

sources of comments and tests (and I haven't checked to see if this

lens is listed in any of 'em), try sites like:










I'd tell you a brief summary of that lens' reputation except that I

don't know it - sorry.

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