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Leitz Vasex II


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I have just recieved a Leitz Vasex II which I found in my

grandmother's attic. It has not been in use since the 60s, but when

it was in use I presume it was only used for 35mm negs. If it is all

in working order, what lenses can I use on this if I want to be able

to use 6X6 negs?


This and any other information about the Vasex II that may be

helpful would be much appreciated.



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It attaches to Leica M mount cameras such as The M1 M2 M3 M4 M6 M7 MP. Lenses from 65 to 800 can be attached provided they are the versions from which the optical units can be romoved an the appropiate adapters added. These are generally the lenses made in the 1960-80 time period. Shorter ones for closeup work only.


Put Visoflex in the search box to read all the threads.

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I can find a few references to it on a Google search but no pictures or useful info other than that it seems to take the same bulb as a Valoy. Perhaps there's a reference to it in one of the comprehensive Leica history books if someone has one (and will admit it on the forum!).
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The December 1937 Leitz enlarging equipment catalogue says of the Vasex: "This enlarger is a universal apparatus for enlarging all sizes of negatives up to 3 1/2 x 2 1/2 inches". In other words: 6x9.


There were two versions: the Vasex I with a 20 x 16 baseboard and 34 inch column, and the Vasex II with 22 x 27 baseboard and 48 inch column. Both were supplied with a 9.5cm f/4 Elmar lens (code VOORT). A 5cm lens was available for bigger enlargements from 35mm (code VAROB), or a 5cm camera lens could be used (which implies a standard 39mm thread). The Vasex was only produced between 1936 and 1939.


So if your enlarger has the original 9.5cm lens you can easily print 6x6 negs. If it has a 50mm lens you could try any modern 80mm or longer lens for 6x6 or 100/105mm for 6x9.

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I have put some rather poor scans of the six catalogue pages describing the Vasex at <a href="http://puffball.demon.co.uk/tmp/vasex/">http://puffball.demon.co.uk/tmp/vasex/</a>.


Another useful source of information is Dennis Laney's <i>Leica Collector's Guide</i>, the second edition of which has just been published by Hove Books (<a href="http://www.hovebooks.com">www.hovebooks.com</a>, see <i>Latest Titles</i>).

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  • 6 months later...

I still use one; in spite of having many others to choose from. It goes up and down the column like silk; nice counter-balance. It has a bit of "fall-off", but it's utterly dependable; one gets use to routine burn about the edges. Negative "pop" can be a problem. But by simply pre-heating the beast for a count of ten (before making the exposure)the problem is gone.


I've never used the stock neg carriers (though I have them); a sandwich of thin masonite fastened along one edge with gaffers tape does the job well.


It's not a production toy. But it's rugged, optically true and very flexible.


Steve Keplinger

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