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What happens when you are sleep deprived and go out with a camera.


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Trevor: "WHY can't modern film directors........"


Trevor, as you come from the land of the lamentable Guy Ritchie

and the ever patronising Mike Leigh I can understand your pain,

but, all is not lost. After you've caught up on your sleep check out

the work of Michael Winterbottom - Wonderland, 24 Hour Party

People, In This World, Welcome To Sarajevo, 9 Songs........I find

it hard to believe myself, but he's British, young (ish), and


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Mike Leigh's films... 'Nuts in May' , 'Abigails party', 'Mean time' and 'Secrets and lies' are regularly played here in this house.


Patronising? Maybe. But great fun.


I don't think I have ever watched anything by Guy Ritchie. (Isn't he that Madonna chap?) Not sure I ever will.

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Boris you could not be further from the truth!


I have never counted the number of times I chew food, the last time I slept in a tent I was 4 years old and had no choice, I am NOT and never will be vegetarian, I play my hifi loud, I have never been a hippy or a social worker, I rode motorbikes for 9 years, a Morris Minor is a loathsome vehicle, I hate folksongs, unpasteurised milk would scare the be-jayzuz out of me, I have never paced out the distance indicated on a camera or used a bellows camera like Keith's, I would have tolerated his precious ninny of a wife for precisely 0 seconds before pushing her over that cliff.....


So wrong, so wrong.

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I grew up on what was the largest, worst, council estates in England at the time of the 1960's and 70's and I would (then) have been, precisely, Keiths worst nightmare! We had a few teachers who were just like Keith and we made their lives hell.


I would have been the Anti-Keith.


It is why I find 'Nuts in May' so funny. (In my younger days I would have wanted to kick his prissy head in.)

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Boris, If you have ever watched 'Mean Time' by Mike Leigh then you would be a lot closer to the sort of place I grew up. A stuck up prig like Keith and his simpleton wife from leafy Surrey would have run in horror.


I still wear Doc Martens to this day. (A lifetime habit I cannot shake off.)


I will follow up your suggestions though. Thanks Boris.

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I'll give it a go.


I am collecting a new DVD combi tomorrow and need something to 'Christen' it with. (I have just back-ordered "The Ascent of Man" by Dr Jacob Bronowski from the BBC but they are not bringing it out until April.)


I will be picking up a handful of my favourite Powell & Pressburger classics on DVD as well.

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Another (youngish) director who'll give you some hope is the

Canadian/Armenian Atom Egoyan. Voyeurism is a central theme

to his work, so it's perfect viewing for a photographer. He's made

some of the most moving films of recent years - the only one you

should give a miss to is Felicia's Journey (destroyed by a dismal

performance from Bob Hoskins). www.egofilmarts.com

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