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zx-5n film advance problem


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I've got a zx-5n that been giving me some trouble recently. Every

once in a while it wouldn't advance the film far enough after taking

a shot and the edges of two adjacent pictures would overlap on the

negative. It seems to be getting worse though, the roll I got

developed today had three such instances. I've got enough issues

with my photography to have to worry about the film advancing far

enough! Is this anything that anyone might know how to address at

home, or is this going to require a visit to a repair facility. If

it has to go in, does anyone know how much a repair like this can

run? Thanks in advance!


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Steve, although I've not had any such problem with my ZX-5n, electronics act funny sometimes. If it was me, 1st I'd check so see if the batteries were good. If you are using lithium's be sure to set the tester at 3volts. I've had mine to just quit functioning altogether a couple times, just taking the batteries out and putting them back got it working just fine.I think it has something to do with static electricity. So figure?...Jim
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