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Nikon FM3a Shutter dial query


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Good afternoon!


A first time contributor so please bear with me.


As background info only, I currently use a Nikon FM2n and FM3a setup

with AIS 28/35/50/85/135/180 focal length lens for a range of

interests including hiking/landscape, railways, family etc etc and

are very happy with them.


My FM3a has worked well following completion of film tests and I am

happy (so far) with my results. However, I have recently noticed

during a visit to Skye that the shutter speed/auto selections dial

although appearing to index and work correctly. When gripped from

above and ?wobbled? in the same plane as the top plate, seems to move

or have more play than one would expect. Please note that I do not

test this as a matter of course but have noticed this during

locking/unlocking the shutter dial when moving from manual to auto

and vice versa.


I have tried this with the FM2n and the effect is marginal. Is this

normal for an FM3a in anyone else?s experience? The camera is in very

good order, is approximately 2 years old and sees probably 30 rolls

of film a year.


Many thanks in advance.

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