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can I use a Minolta 5400HSS flash on the mamiya 7(II)?


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As long as it can be run in manual mode, you are all set. Then, you just have to figure out the proper exposure. There is a calculation you can do with the guide number and the distance to figure out the F stop of the lens/flash.


Me, I use a $80 Vivitar 285HV. It has a nice "semi-automatic" manual mode where you dial in the distance and the F number you want to use and it will shut down the flash when enough light output hits its sensor.


I have gotten great exposures with the Mamiya 7II and this flash.


The only other thing is to determine what ambient amount of light you want. The M7, since it has a leaf lense will synch at whatever speed you want. So be careful, or you may have more background light than you want.


--jeffrey steinberg

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I confess I don't know your specific model, but most recent Minoltas have a proprietary hot-shoe, so you'll need at the very least some sort of adapter. It is very unlikley that any of the automation functions would work. If it has a PC cord, you could probably connect using that, but again it'll be all manual.


You'd probably be better of getting another flash, maybe a semi-auto model.



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