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Digital Nikon D70 with regular Nikon SB-28 flash

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Let's see if I can bring this all together (and not mess it up).


The D70 only knows one flavor of TTL (through the lens) flash exposure control. Nikon calls the version used in the D70 "iTTL" and so far the SB800 and SB600 speedlights are the ONLY flash units from Nikon that understand iTTL. What that means is, if you have a D70 body and want to buy a Nikon speedlight for it that can do through the lens flash exposure metering, you want an SB800 or SB600.


However... the D70 will work with just about any Nikon speedlight if you will settle for (M) manual flash control. It will also work with (A) auto mode flash units. In manual and auto mode, all the camera has to do is tell the flash when to start. The rest of the flash exposure calculations are handled by the photographer in (M) mode or by the photographger plus on-the-FLASH sensor in (A) mode.


So when it comes to -DX flash units or other Nikon speedlights that predate today's SB800 and SB600, you can use them on a D70 but not in TTL mode, only in whatever (M) and (A) settings the DX flash offers.


I hope that helps Roman and K and the rest.


KL IX had it right, spot on, but maybe with such economy of words that people missed the content.


Be well,

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Correcting a sentence that had "DX" in it too many times:


So when it comes to -DX flash units or other Nikon speedlights that predate today's SB800 and SB600, you can use them on a D70 but not in TTL mode, only in whatever (M) and (A) settings the flash offers.


Be well,

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to pass on a caution about third party iTTL flashes ... in particular, one third party

flash made by Sigma and advertised for the D70 ... the EF-500 DG Super. The warning is,

that it comes in two flavors, one of which (designated by the letters NA) isn't compatible

with the D70 and the other (designated by the letters NA i-TTL) which is compatible. This

can be a problem because many of the incompatible NA flashes are incorrectly advertised

that they work with the D70 (and they don't!). I found this out the hard way! Good luck

with your D70 ... it is, without question, the finest camera that I have used in 40 years!<div>00B2pI-21742784.jpg.b93744792ed6f017632a030bfdcfa3f1.jpg</div>

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