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Nikon Service: Melville


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Welp, after four weeks of waiting for the return of my D70 from Nikon

in Melville, I picked it up today (I live nearby)! I took it out, put

a lens on it, put the battery in...took a few test shots...all

good...put it down on the table in my plush, padded Tenba bag, then

picked it up again to find that the shutter release button had fallen

right off of the camera. Searched the bottom of the bag to find it and

a spring, rolling around. Apparently, you can't just "stick it back

in," either. Thoughts? It looks as though the design has a small

protrusion on the plunger that secures within the camera...

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monday a.m., have a drink, go into the Nikon, Melville.


Say OUT LOUD "You guys just fixed this N70, I brought it home, and a minute later, the camera just fell apart.Look this button just popped off! It's unbelieveable, I waited four weeks for you to return this to me, and now I have to wait anothr 4 for you to fix this shutter button which just.........."


Repeat this every time a new customer comes in the door.


Basically, they really should fix this thing while you're there.

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Years ago once I was at a Honda dealer's repair department. Apparently some guy had an oil change there the day before. You might think that is a simple job. Somehow the mechanic forgot to put the motor oil intake cover back onto the engine. The poor guy started the car and had oil all over the place.


Unfortunately, we humans make careless mistakes. What matters is whether we can correct those mistakes promptly. Bring it back to Nikon and see how fast they take care of this. In the case of that Honda, they immidiately cleaned up the car for the poor guy.

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