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really flat photos w/ 20d and strobes


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Actually, I think they look very good. Looks like a clean digital image with relatively

hard "short" lighting (giving you a lot of diffused shadow) and a lot of fill, that's what gives

it a flat look. Less fill will give you darker shadow and more depth, if that's what you want.

I think it looks nice though. <p>

Your model is light skinned, light hair, you've got a light colored chair and a lot of light

from both sides so it looks pretty much like it should. You could boost in camera contrast

and saturation a little, but I wouldn't. You've got a perfectly clean image to work on, now

it's time to do what the film and the lab/printer would be doing if you were using a film

camera. <p>

If it's just too flat for your tastes, then reduce the fill or change the lighting set up to give

you the effect you're

looking for. You could move your main umbrella more to the front, towards the camera

and reduce the fill for a more classic look or have your main light on camera right, where

your fill is coming from and then use a reflector on the left to fill in the shadows a bit, just

for example. That's the fun thing about lighting, there are endless possibilities to try


If you want softer lighting, use a softbox, or a scrim, up very close to the model, as close

as you can get it. That, the large softbox/scrim, will give you the largest area of diffused

shadow you can get, then use a large, white piece of Styrofoam to fill, or a second light.


Keep working, it's looking good.

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