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Proofs in print or CD/DVD???

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This is mainly for UK photographers as I know you do things slightly

differently in the US, but please respond if can, UK OR US!!!


I currently print proofs, 9 to a page on A4. Good quality photo

paper, no markings. I also produce the proofs on a DVD slideshow for

purchase as an after-sales extra. The thing is, the proofs have SO

much more impact when displayed on the screen and I think this may

help with increasing 'emotive' purchases of reprints. (I already have

good sales of reprints and extras). BUT, I think ppl tend to want the

actual prints in their paws as they think they have got more for

their money.


How do you all do this? Do you lose sales if you don't supply printed

proofs? This is where UK and the US may differ. I have heard of

photographers supplying on DVD and offering printed proofs as an

extra purchase? It actually costs me very little to print out the

proofs as I do it on my colour laser printer and use a relatively

inexpensive paper. It costs me even less to produce a DVD slideshow.


Sorry this is SO long but just wanted to gauge reaction from everyone.





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I must say the timing of your post is unreal! I have been in the beginning stages of converting my proofing methods in the exact opposite direction from you, going from the standard 4x6 proof book to the dvd slideshow/thumbnail index proof book package. I have only been in the business one year and have been completely disenchanted wiht the enlargement sales orders I receive off the proof albums. I think it spells one thing....scan, scan and more SCAN. I recently purchased my first digital camera, although I still plan to shoot my Pentax 645 for portrait set-ups and scan. I would say you are doing it the right way already, the people wanting the hard proofs are looking to scan the enlargements themselves, so if they want that, charge extra (I plan on offering this option), but stay where you are with the DVD option.

P.S. Could you let me know what software you are using to create your DVDs, I was eyeing the PHOTODEX GOLD, but wondered what you thought.


Thanks and good luck!!!

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