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Promoting my business...


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Hi- I'm putting together this self-promo piece and I'd like a little feedback. I'm

going to be in three bridal shows this year and also doing some direct

mailing, so it's important that this piece is really good. ( having about 2-3

thousand made up) I've been experimenting with colors and images and

would like to know your opinion. This is the piece so far, any input is

appreciated. thanks<div>00AUF1-20976484.jpg.95005d31f80b44e9022325176f5bf8e6.jpg</div>

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Looks generically standard and un-competitive to me... meaning there's nothing to

separate you from the other generic , standard wedding photographers, except price.


However, I wouldn't say that if you didn't have some pretty distinctive shots in your PN

portfolio IMO. Sprinkle in the shot of the kids at the piano and the one of the little angels

being devils and your style starts coming through.


Also consider selecting a defining shot and make it bigger than the others. I kinda made

the same error when I did my site years ago, and haven't had the time to redo it.

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I like it, but I would listen to Marc. He helped me with my first ad and he made it look really professional. He knows what he's doing. I do like all the pictures you chose, and I agree with Marc that you should add the other two in that he mentioned. Especially the one with the little girls. That one says a lot about your photography.
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I worry that I'm going to come off like a jerk for saying this, and I'm really not a jerk. Really. But I would consider moving the central picture of the groom kissing his bride on the cheek to a less central location or ditching it altogether.


When women are shopping for photographers and preparing for weddings, I think their weight is often a major issue in their minds. Multiple dress fittings and the thousands of model-brides they see in magazines serve to reinforce this concern and some brides get downright crazy about it, with starvation diets so drastic they end up fainting at the alter. I wonder if some brides might just skip over your ad because they don't want to think of themselves as anything but a size 5 on their wedding day.


For the record, my wife would disagree with me and advise you to keep the photo in the ad because she thinks ads like this attract the less-than-model-perfect brides, and let's face it, 90% of brides fit in this category. Anyway, she's right about a lot of stuff and she may be right about this.


Beyond that, I think the layout is nice and I agree with Marc's advice above.


Hope that helps a little,



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I guess I am the jerk by saying the same thing...My eye goes right at the one couple

to the right. When you sell you do have the touch of reality but also give them a huge

chunck of the dream wedding photos. You have eight details of objects and only four

of people. I think the details are great as a secondary but boost up the people

photos. Give me more faces or make them a great portion of the ad. You want your

brides to feel something when they look at your photos and the easiest way to evoke

and emotional response is with people. I'm attaching my new ad. I'm not saying its

going to be successful but when I look at the photo I personally grin so I hope the

public will also.<div>00AUWd-20982584.thumb.jpg.541c214e30feefa58e342140eacc2993.jpg</div>

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