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4x5 scans w/Epson 4870 w/Vuescan


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I'm having some issues with vuescan and the epson on my 4x5 negs. As

I know some of you use both, perhaps you can let me know if this is a

problem unique to me or just a failing of vuescan. I've no response

from the developer and nothing of note in the usenet scanner group.


1) What is the highest dpi you are able to scan your 4x5 at?

2) What is the highest dpi you were able to apply cleaning to the scan

and have it save?


As you can tell, I am having problems with large scans where I have

enable the 'cleaning' feature of vuescan. After 600 dpi no matter

what enhancements are chosen the resulting file is saved without the

changes. For a 6x7 I can go up to 1200 dpi. I'm perplexed and having

spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out what is wrong I'm at to

throw in the towel and just go read a book and use the ICE on

Silverfast when needed.


Thansk for your assistance

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It sounds like a bug in Vuescan. What version are you using? I suggest downloading the latest version and installing it. See if you still have the problem after that.


I use Vuescan all the time for both the Epson 2450 and the Nikon LS-40, and sometimes it does "fall over". I simply reistall and I'm off again.


(BTW, I'm scanning 5x4" film at 2400 dpi and 48 bit depth. The 2450 does not have ICE.)



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If I remeber correctly, under the Options tab (you have to have "advanced" enabled) there is a preview and scan memory limit setting. Try to set it up higher. At 600 dpi for a 4x5 you need 12 MB for each channel (24 if you scan in 16 bit mode), that makes 48/96 MB. If you want to go higher, you will need much more than that - every doubling of resolution quadruples the amount of memory you will need, so for 1200 dpi on a 4x5 you should set it to 400 MB or so. The fact that you can get 1200 dpi from a 6x7 is consistent - the area of a 6x7 is about a quarter of the 4x5, so with the same memory you can use a doubled resolution.
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I scan 4x5 at 1200ppi using Vuescan (not the latest version but pretty recent).


Under the "output" tab there are different sizes for the print. What do you have set there? I set it at "scan size" and set "magnification" at 100%. That produces a 4x5 inch scan at 1200 ppi.


I'm sure you know that you can set your preview and final scans at different sizes. I set the preview scan at 100 ppi since the quality of the preview is unimportant and that saves time and presumably memory. Only the final scan is at 1200.


I don't find Vuescan at all intuitive to use and not user friendly so the fact that it's giving you difficulty isn't surprising. Partly for that reason I do no editing with it other than setting the black and white points on the histogram, all other editing I leave to Photoshop with a normal negative.

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