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business card


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Hi Scott -I like the business name -it sounds distinctly different . Could not find your web site though...I wanted to see if there was an image there that I liked better. Sorry -I hate to be negative but I didn't like that image -I am too much of a traditionalist I guess. I do like the fact that its in B&W though -I would like to see another image perhaps. When I send out my trifold wedding brochure there are 4 images on it. The thing I don't like about single photo "pieces" is that not every image will resonate with a client.At least with 4 images I have a shot at showing the prospective bride something she will enjoy. I have always found it tough to find one defining image . I guess you can't please all the people all of the time. Sorry for the criticism -just being honest. Would love to see a few more images to choose from. But then again I am a 51 year old traditional male -not a 2o something bride.....Best regards -RichD
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Hi Scott. I take it from the fact that you are considering a business card that you will be

offering your services professionally now. I tried looking at your web site and it said there

is no such address. I then clicked on your pn portfolio, which raised some questions. What

is there seems badly scanned and/or badly exposed or processed. Are you sure you are

ready to have a bride entrust her wedding memories to you? It's a big responsibility.


But if you are intent on proceeding, then maybe consider having a graphic designer assist

with your card layout. It's a bit of a jumble of type styles and looks a little amateurish in

design. Also, the photo may not be the best choice as stated above in the other post. The

photo you use will be your lead impact, and is the most important thing on the card.


Best of luck.

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Thanks guys. Card is just a mock up. Business name and website do not exsist yet. Sorry for the confusion. Mark, could you be more specific about the issues with the picture quality? The picture used was taken with 3200 b&w and was scanned on cheapo dell scanner. thanks again for all your imput.
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It seems like you are struggling to use a photo on your card. I wouldn't put anything less than a perfect photo on it. Having a plain card for a photographer is common, so, as Marc suggests, hire a pro to do the layout so you look like a pro. Your biz card peggs you immediatley as what you are...No offence, as critiques can be harsh, but i don't think i'd later surf your site if you handed me one of these.
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I'm no wedding photographer, but you asked for input... 8-)


I got this idea from someone's earlier post here: Approach your card not from your photographer point of view, but from the customer's point of view - most likely a bride. You want her to see herself in the picture on your card. Use a picture that features a beautiful bride, and that will help your potential customers (brides) see themselves in the beautiful pictures that you take. I think this would be more effective than a picture the emphasizes a groom.


Regarding the text: the all-centered font lacks impact. Try choosing another alignment. I can strongly recommend Robin Williams' <i>The Non-Designers Design Book</i> for more incredibly helpful tips.

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Here...a little something to throw you in another direction.......wouldn't hurt for that guy to give the girl a "dip".....girls like dipping!


Is it any kind of first dance or a wedding first dance. If it's a wedding first dance, I think that's a rather nice name direction to go in, but the photo should look like a wedding photo of couse.

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Scott I reckon the second one was better than the first but not by much. The first has more mood and romance but looks like it was taken using a mobile phone. The second one looks like a happy snap with too much flash in the background. The other thing is I don't think you should make a rectangle to put the print on, but find a photo that has a natural looking monotone that acts as a blackboard where you can print something nice using better font for effect. All the best.
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Scott - I was in a similar boat when looking at getting business cards printed. I decided to go the simple route with a white card, black print of the business name (Wilson Photography) and contact info., along with a list of services. Sorry, I don't have an example to show you. Seeing as how I have only shot one wedding (next one is in 2 weeks) I do not have that much to choose from - like you. So I would suggest waiting until you have that one "defining" image that you are proud of and want to show off - not one that just happens to be of the couple dancing. Just my 2 cents....
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Wow! Thanks for all the response. Don't really have to worry about the model release(it's my sister). Mark your card definitly looks a hell of a lot more professional than mine, just is not to my taste (different strokes!). Now that you mention it, I do know someone in graphic design who would be willing to help. Holly, yeah I'm really short on portfollio right now. Like I said earlier I was just fooling around with this. Latham, could you please explain the comment about too much flash. In this pic I was dragging the shutter to avoid the 'bat cave' effect, and I thought I did a pretty good job. As for the shaddow, blame the vid and the fact it was my sisters wedding and I had downed a few by that point and didn't notice. thanks again everyone.
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